Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I love the smell of crayons in the morning!

The class lists are out and school supply aisles are buzzing with parents grasping hold of supply lists, anxiously searching for the best deals on crayons and markers and hand sanitizer!  I think my school supply list for first grade is pretty easy to navigate, but if you have any questions at all let me know!  I am always here to help.  I must say favorite aisle in Walmart last week was the crayon aisle.  Boxes and boxes of freshly packed crayons -- just one smell and I automatically rush back in time to my first grade classroom with Miss Olsen, coloring in the pictures that had the beginning sound of /a/!  I love the sweet smell of crayons!  Is there anything more awesome that a new pack at the start of a school year?  I don't think so! 

So, be off, parents!  Get yourself to the stores and buy up those crayons (only 50 cents a pack at Walmart!)!  Don't fret if you don't get everything on the list and remember to keep that smile on your face!  The countdown is on!


  1. I LOVE this idea... how Awesome you are!! :) Austin's very excited to be in your class but he's already concerned because I think the boxes of crayons we bought (at Wal-Mart, lol) were 24 count... oops!! ;) ~ Jenny Fenstermaker

    1. I can deal with 24 crayons -- they were the pack on sale! As long as they fit in the desk, I am happy! Looking forward to having Austin!
