Friday, August 31, 2012

It's Gonna Be a HOOT!

I've been busy getting the finishing touches done in our classroom and I'm happy to report that it's juuuuust about there!   I'm always doing something -- rearranging this, tweaking that!  I'm pretty sure most teachers have about five Plan B's. 

Just a reminder that our first day of school is September 4.  Our bell rings at 7:50 a.m. and students should be in the classroom ready to go!  There will not be any breakfast or lunch served on day one, so be sure to grab some grub on your way out the door!  Remember to bring a good, healthy snack!  We will dismiss from the gymnasium and as part of our school policy, parents need to stay up by the office until children are released.  It's all about safety and organization!  If your child has any special needs or concerns, please let me know ahead of time what they are -- it's never a good thing to learn about an allergy after the fact. 

Our first couple weeks of first grade are dedicated to learning the ropes and adjusting to being in a new classroom with a new teacher and new rules and expectations.  It is a time to be very patient and to ask a lot of questions!  :)  I'm always available....and I'm even more available to chat if you bring coffee and/or chocolate.  Good luck first grade parents!  It's going to be a HOOT of a good year!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Welcome Aboard!

Just got back from a fabulous Open House.  It was great to see so many families come in -- kids were running in and out of my room, I could hear lockers opening and closing and students shouting "Here's mine!  Look at it!"  I even had students from last year come into my room and tell me that they wish they were coming back!  So sweet!  (They followed that promptly with, "Can I have a piece of candy?")  Overall, it was a successful night and got me even more excited for our first day of school on September 4!  Welcome Aboard First Graders!  We are going to have an excellent year!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Open Doors....Open House!

Tomorrow morning I have to set my alarm.  I will press snooze several times before actually opening my eyes and realizing that gone.  (Moment of silence.)  It's time to get back to work!  I have a full classroom of first graders coming soon -- hopefully I will see most of them and their parents at tomorrow's OPEN HOUSE from 5:30-7:30.  There will be an elementary orientation at 5:30 in the gymnasium. Bring a pen, because we'll have all the fun paperwork you'll need to fill out for the year.  This year there are 26 students in first grade and I am ready to welcome you all to our classroom!  Hope to see you there! 

Reminder:  If you're a parent please choose to follow this blog -- I will always be updating and adding information you'll want to know!  Updates will be sent to your email automatically!  :)  

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I love the smell of crayons in the morning!

The class lists are out and school supply aisles are buzzing with parents grasping hold of supply lists, anxiously searching for the best deals on crayons and markers and hand sanitizer!  I think my school supply list for first grade is pretty easy to navigate, but if you have any questions at all let me know!  I am always here to help.  I must say favorite aisle in Walmart last week was the crayon aisle.  Boxes and boxes of freshly packed crayons -- just one smell and I automatically rush back in time to my first grade classroom with Miss Olsen, coloring in the pictures that had the beginning sound of /a/!  I love the sweet smell of crayons!  Is there anything more awesome that a new pack at the start of a school year?  I don't think so! 

So, be off, parents!  Get yourself to the stores and buy up those crayons (only 50 cents a pack at Walmart!)!  Don't fret if you don't get everything on the list and remember to keep that smile on your face!  The countdown is on!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Whoo-whooo-whoooooo will be in First Grade??

If you follow me at all on facebook, you'll know by now that I'm a fan of owls.  Just something about that bird!  So, it won't be a big surprise that my classroom this year will have lots and lots of owls in it!  I've rearranged the room and I'm happily working on cleaning out the old to make ready for the new.  This is the fun part...the "work" part comes when I start looking at curriculum and planning.  Fun, yes....difficult...also yes.  :) 

I've had several people ask me about WHOOOOO will be in my classroom and when supply lists will be delivered.  I know that you will be notified soon, but I don't have those answers for you.  Sorry!  I leave all that official business up to those in charge.  :) 

What I can tell you is this:  If I have the pleasure of teaching your child this year, you will need a healthy snack EVERY day!  We do not do shared snacks in first grade -- each child brings his/her own.  However, we like to emphasize HEALTHY snacks.  Chips, chocolate, cupcakes, etc are not healthy and will not help your child make it through the long morning of work and learning.  That leap from Kindergarten to First Grade is a big one -- and one of the biggest changes is that your child will be expected to work for longer periods of time.  In order to make this happen, your child will need FUEL -- products full of sugar will not provide the fuel and will only work against your child's success.  Please help me to help your child learn:  provide healthy snacks daily!  Examples of healthy snacks?  Fruits! Cheese/Crackers!  Yogurt!    Be sure to check the labels -- if the sugar content is high, it doesn't matter if the box says "whole grains."  Lots of boxed foods say that now -- they don't all equal healthy alternatives. 

See you real soon!  Enjoy your last few weeks of summer!  Don't forget our Open House on August 28!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Back to School....Back to Reality...

I went into my classroom yesterday for the first time since I locked the door behind me and said hello to summer.  My desk has exactly the same junk on it as when I left!  So, tomorrow I am back to school to get ready for the upcoming year. It's time to clear out the old junk and get ready for a new bunch of students!  I'm eager to get started, and yet I'm bummed that summer seems to go by so fast.  My daughter turned one this summer and we have been having so much fun -- it will be tough to not see her all day, every day!  She is getting pretty funny -- pointing and laughing at just about everything.  Everything she sees is a "dog."  Although, yesterday we are certain she said "bird" and sounded like an old Russian man.  "Brr-D."  We were pretty excited to hear her say it, but soon after everything turned into "dog" again.  Even us.  :) 

Anyway, I want to introduce you to this blog and explain its use.  This blog will be a place where you can see what happens in our classroom every week.  I will do my best to post weekly -- sometimes even daily.  I hope to capture the fun moments, the teachable moments and everything in between.  It will be a place for parents to get information and keep up-to-date on all that is happening in Room 5.  It will also be a place where I'll share teaching ideas, art projects, frustrations, and celebrations! 

So, I hope you'll be a member of the First Grade Fan Club!  Everybody's doing it.