The new first grade students have been doing very well considering the heat -- they get a little squirrely at times, but it's to be expected. I'm happy with how things are going so far -- moving through the first week or two (or three!) of school always keeps me nervous. I want to move into "the work" but I also want to make sure they have "the rules." Today, we moved on and did some work in Reading -- reviewed the sounds for short /a/ and /b/. We added the word my to our word wall and practiced writing it on our white boards. We have started our daily calendar routine -- parents might be surprised to see all that first graders will know with calendar by the end of the year -- it's not just about names of days and counting! I found a very cool calendar routine on Pinterest and made one for my own room. Here is the one I copied from:
So onward and upward we move! I'm looking forward to cooler weather where students aren't melting into their seats and walking across the classroom doesn't cause me to breakout in a flop sweat. :)
COOL calendar!! I love it!!! Maybe your COOL calendar will help you stay COOL. Sorry about the heat. Nothing worse than flop sweat. :